
Insights on the Stability of Compact Stars under Durgapal-Lake Metric Potentials in the Framework of Non-Conservative Theory of Gravity ELSEVIER Article: Abstract This research deals with the impacts of non-conserved gravitational theory on the physical behavior of three anisotropic compact stars. For this purpose, the metric of static spherically symmetric comprising the anisotropic matter...

  • August 13, 2024

The Size and Shape Dependence of the SDSS Galaxy Bispectrum ELSEVIER Article: Highlights 1. We study the dependence of monopole bispectrum on all possible tringle shapes and sizes (within k range 0.075-0.434 Mpc-1) 2. Bispectrum corresponding to all triangles can be fitted with a single power law. 3. For the first time, we present...

  • August 13, 2024

Asymptotic Safety, String Theory and the Weak Gravity Conjecture ELSEVIER Article: Abstract We propose a scenario with string theory in the deep ultraviolet, an intermediate asymptotically safe scaling regime for gravity and matter, and the Standard Model in the infrared. This could provide a new perspective to tackle challenges of the two models: For...

  • August 13, 2024

Thermal Fluctuations of AdS Black Holes in Three-Dimensional Rainbow Gravity ELSEVIER Article: Abstract In this work, we explore the charged black holes with the power-law modified electromagnetic theory in a three-dimensional energy dependent space-time. Through exact solution of the field equations, we introduce a new class of nonlinearly charged black holes which are asymptotically...

  • August 13, 2024

Influences of perfect fluid Dark Matter on coinciding validity of the Weak Gravity and Weak Cosmic Censorship Conjectures for Kerr-Newman Black Hole ELSEVIER Article: Introduction Quantum gravity is an interesting topic that has attracted the attention of many researchers from different perspectives. The swampland program is a research initiative to find the universal principles...

  • August 13, 2024