THE COSPAR PLANETARY PROTECTION POLICY FOR MISSIONS TO ICY WORLDS Elib Publications of the DLR: Abstract [Full text not available from this repository.] Recent discoveries related to the habitability and astrobiological relevance of the outer Solar System have expanded our understanding of where and how life may have originated. As a result, the Icy...
Space Scienes
Insights on the Stability of Compact Stars under Durgapal-Lake Metric Potentials in the Framework of Non-Conservative Theory of Gravity ELSEVIER Article: Abstract This research deals with the impacts of non-conserved gravitational theory on the physical behavior of three anisotropic compact stars. For this purpose, the metric of static spherically symmetric comprising the anisotropic matter...
The Size and Shape Dependence of the SDSS Galaxy Bispectrum ELSEVIER Article: Highlights 1. We study the dependence of monopole bispectrum on all possible tringle shapes and sizes (within k range 0.075-0.434 Mpc-1) 2. Bispectrum corresponding to all triangles can be fitted with a single power law. 3. For the first time, we present...
Measuring the Conditional Luminosity and Stellar Mass Functions of Galaxies by Combining the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Legacy Imaging Surveys Data Release 9, Survey Validation 3, and Year 1 Data The Astrophysical Journal | Open Access Article: Abstract In this investigation, we leverage the combination of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) Legacy Imaging...
Asymptotic Safety, String Theory and the Weak Gravity Conjecture ELSEVIER Article: Abstract We propose a scenario with string theory in the deep ultraviolet, an intermediate asymptotically safe scaling regime for gravity and matter, and the Standard Model in the infrared. This could provide a new perspective to tackle challenges of the two models: For...
Thermal Fluctuations of AdS Black Holes in Three-Dimensional Rainbow Gravity ELSEVIER Article: Abstract In this work, we explore the charged black holes with the power-law modified electromagnetic theory in a three-dimensional energy dependent space-time. Through exact solution of the field equations, we introduce a new class of nonlinearly charged black holes which are asymptotically...
Influences of perfect fluid Dark Matter on coinciding validity of the Weak Gravity and Weak Cosmic Censorship Conjectures for Kerr-Newman Black Hole ELSEVIER Article: Introduction Quantum gravity is an interesting topic that has attracted the attention of many researchers from different perspectives. The swampland program is a research initiative to find the universal principles...
Teraelectronvolt Gamma-Ray Emission near Globular Cluster Terzan 5 as a probe of Cosmic Ray Transport NATURE Article: Abstract The propagation directions of cosmic rays travelling through interstellar space are repeatedly scattered by fluctuating interstellar magnetic fields. The nature of this scattering is a major unsolved problem in astrophysics, one that has resisted solution largely...